tatau nape hr nih rs xsehat sgt..
rs penin tibe2 pitam..
nk jd berdiri n nk minum air..
tibe2 pndgn jd kabur...
nmpk hitam je sume....pas2 1 bdn rs dingin..
n bdn lak huyung hayang...
nasib baek dlm bilik..
walau sakit pale terhentak kt sib bek 4,5 min je aku pndangan gelap, pas2 da ok balik..alhamdulillah..
rsenye da lame aku xpenin cmnih..
i means penin yg tbe2 pndgn jd gelap cengginih..
last is when im in 2ndary school i think..
yg aku turun tga tibe2 jatuh pitam atas kaki mak aku........
ok..itu cite lame..
pas2...aku wat tatau je
cm mls nk kish dr siang perut memulas2..pedih jer..
ase mual..nk muntah...tatau laa nape.. aku wat xlyn lg..
da mlm nih..boleh lak aku cirit birit? alahai...
pas2..selepas selesai buang hajat, bley lak aku tergelincir..
n lg skali...kepala aku terhnatuk...
sedap giler seyhhhh!! (xcy? try hntuk pale korg kt dinding sndiri.. :()
aku sakit sbb bdn aku skit atau sbb aku stress??
sumtimes...we dunno we stress rite..
hm...nk stress psl ape tatau...aku pon pelik nih... hm...
is it there is sum1 who will take care of me??? *thinking*
p/s: i dun want 2 be sick/hurt anymore.. bolehkahhhh????
what wrong nih honey??? kenape leh skit cmnih?? makn ckp x? hmm... jgn la seksa diri sedemikiam rupa.. really love u.. so dont hurt yourslf that much.. if dont have enough rest.. do so.. if need help.. seek them.. insyaAllah i will be there.. i love u honey..
seek whom??them?? siapakahhh????
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