hr nih hr yg amat penat bg aku..kenapaa??
cause esok adelah hr pameran kelab matematik..
byk bnda yg perlu xsmpat tdo pon hr nih..
n skang..terlampau penat smpai xbley tdo...huhuh
mungkin org kate.."sy pon wat byk keje cm awk"..
but we r different ok! antibodi sy lebih lemah dr awk sume!!
sbb 2 sy xmo msuk skan sgt...bcoz i noe my limit!
cik kekasih sy sdang berada di platform..platform resak katenya..
sudah terasa rindu yg amat sgt..hehehe :P (x malunye sy...)
die nek heli kol 1 pm td..kami hanye smpat ckp b4 sy ke kelas..kul 7lebey...
hanye ckp xsmpai 5min kekelas.. n ms kul 12.45 tgh hr tgk byk sgt miskol dr cik kekasih sy silent xprasan la..n jadual hr nih sgt padat..kelas miss tan laa katekan..heheh mmg terisi dgn ilmu2 pedagogi...huhuh :P anyway...mmg sgt2 rindukan die...biasanyee kami dpt chatting jugak...mgkin sbb sy terlampau bz...xsmpat nk on9..dats y xjmpe die lg.. ya Allah..slamatkn laa cik tunang sy dr mara bahaya! amin!.. sy hrp die dpt balik dgn cpt...amin...<3 him very much.. :)
cepat2 kawen ye...hehehehe
alahai..ciannyer... xpe.. i'm here also missing u like crazy.. appreciate your understanding... i'm here with rules and regulation resak platform.. so.. i can't use phone line as much as i want.. phone here only can receive call.
achiq: lmbt ag...nk kumpul wit dlu..hehehe
rosli: nk appreciate kena bg adiah ok..mau purse bru..muhahahha :)
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